Let's start with a skeleton frame of what I think might be effective for something aking to the institutional meeting we've come to call church:
1. Call to Worship -- Music (One Song only)
2. Opening Video/object lesson this is going to introduce the sermon.
3. Silence -- Arguably the most important part of the service as this is a time for God to speak to us individual. I think that we don't spend nearly enough time doing this and so, I think it's important to set this aside from the beginning... say 10 minutes or so.
4. Corporate Prayer/Prayer needs -- This will be everyone's responsibility as we will have someone lead us in the Lord's prayer, but only as a framework. I don't want a rote recitation of the prayer. I want to encourage people to have these components in a prayer.
5. Sharing of one's gifts. I'm not quite sure how this looks practically, but I think that Paul had some ideas as did James. So we'll be using them as a guide.
6. Short sermon. Preferrably Fifteen to Twenty minutes.
7. Response. This may be again a drama, another object lesson for the congregation, visual aid, Music...
8. A giving of thanks. Perhaps another song?
9. Eucharist. "For as often as you eat of this bread and drink of this cup, you proclaim the death and resurrection of our Lord." I just don't see this as an optional. I've been guilty of passing the table too often at church... and I think that there's much to be said of doing this weekly.
10 Bendiction and closing Hymn. -- I find this to be Jesus' custom at the end of the passover. And I find it interesting that John bothers to make mention of it as none of the other gospels do. So I'm borrowing it.
So there you go. There's the main service. I must say it feels slightly like rearranging deck chairs on the titanic, but it's a darn sight better than most churches do.
You'll note that I've left a couple of things out. 1. Passing the plate. I'm not ruling out putting it in the service completely. But I believe that God will provide. And so I will leave the plate as an altar where people may bring their tithes and offerings. 2. Greeting time. Feels artificial to me. It can be handled before or after service.
Sunday school would be changed. To something simple that goes like this:
1. Goal: Discipleship. Plain and simple.
2. Keeping the age group together, maybe with one or two older Christians.
3. Preferrably Men with Men and Women with Women.
4. The forum is open. You meet prior to the service to share needs. We pray for each other, encourage each other and talk about the week.
5. The group is no larger than 12 people.
6. Leaders will be completely responsible for their group. These will not be made up of anyone on the pastoral staff. I want the congregation to have as much responsibility as possible. This is a community. Act like one. :-)
That's it. Now for something that will take people out into the deep.
1. We set aside every month where there is a fifth Sunday, we announce the date as far ahead as we can.
2. We choose a ministry as a congregation to participate in.
3. As we have received freely, we also give freely. I'm thinking say 10 percent of the offering be given to this ministry.
4. We also as a congregation will participate physically and help the ministry. That's the worship service.
There's a lot I'm leaving out here, but I feel it's a step in the right direction. Finally, Rules for membership to this theoretical church are pretty simple: You affirm your belief in Jesus Christ. You agree to be baptized if you haven't. You agree to follow Jesus above all and keep his commands. And finally, you agree to support this church by any means necessary provided that it is in accordance with the written word. If we step out of line, then you are exempt from this obligation.
I know I'm not addressing the cultural barriers, politics, etc. This is simply a framework. But again, I'd like to hear some thoughts on this. I think this is how you get men aborad as I'm trying to provide: A. A place of refuge B. A place of iron sharpening iron, C. A place of discipleship and D. A place where service begins and you are pushed. I want this to be a situation where the congregation will have more responsibility, and not just a stage. Matter of fact, the chairs will be set in a circle where the stage is.
In short, I want to make this a place where Satan himself hears of us and craps his pants.
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