Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Real Audacity of Hope

People should not be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people." -- V

I've heard a lot of debate among friends across the election spectrum. Some think that this is the "most important election." (Hmm. Where have I heard that line before? Oh I dunno, probably about the previous election and the election before that...) Others seem to think that this is a game changer and still others of us see it as... "Just another election."

The way I see this election has always been how I've seen it: A vote for the lesser of two evils... still is a vote for evil. Trying to make the best of a bad situation is not a choice and does not exist in my mind. In short, if you can't play by the rules... don't. And that's probably the best piece of advice I've been given lately and what has finally and definitively answered my question as to who to vote for. I'm not playing by the world's rules because I don't see that as a choice. As far as I'm concerned, we don't have two parties. We have one. And they all are crooks.

I am not going to necessarily criticize those who want to vote McCain. Neither do I criticize those who want to vote Obama. But I must do as I feel I am led to do.

The simple fact is, these knees do not bow to anyone but the true king. Pastor gave a great sermon on how more time needs to be spent on our knees and less time canvasing. The base gets Sarah Palin and one would think that McCain picked the messiah as his running mate. Dear Lord, have we lost our minds? I do not object on the grounds that she is a woman. I object on the facts that she is NOT what she appears to be. A fine mask. But I'm not fooled.

And I have the same feelings about Barack Obama. I don't think he's the devil. But I don't think he's the messiah, either. Biden I have nothing but unbridled contempt, bordering on loathing and hatred for to the point of snarling everytime his name comes up. Again, have we lost our minds by making these guys our candidates?

I simply can't put any degree of faith, not an ounce in these candidates. The question is, am I prepared to deal with the consequences of such a vote? The answer is... yes. My vote isn't about letting someone take control. My vote is one of, "Putting no confidence in the flesh." That is my vote. I don't see it as Holier than thou. I don't see it as an easy decision. But this is what I'm left with and the only "vote" I can make.

The sermon I heard Saturday was what 99% of the population of Christendom needed to hear. But there's a small minority who just looks at this and goes... I can't in good conscience vote for these guys. What of us?

So there, I guess is the answer. Those of us who aren't voting must pray. And we must bind the enemy. We must go to where he lives and thrives and put him to the sword. That is the battle we draw. Because our hope doesn't come from politicians, nor government, nor presidents, nor rules, nor powers, nor organizations, nor parties. Our hope resides in Jesus Christ and I say that right now, that is perhaps our only hope.

Besides, I prefer a good fight to simply talking a problem to death and not actually do anything about it.

Above all, we must remember that Change doesn't come from the top down... it comes from the bottom up. And if we want to see anything in this world change, then Christians have but one recourse. And that is to get in and play ball, regardless of who the next president is. Whether in day or in night, Jesus Christ must be served and glorified... exclusively and faithfully. The King is still on the throne. He has not resigned, nor abdicated, nor abandoned his subjects. And because of that... we have reason to hope.