-- First of all, I am a male. Yes, I know. That comes as a shock to many of you. I am not a female. This means that I do not think like a female. Therefore, I experience emotions differently. I also value certain characteristics differently. Jesus being loving and kind is not (to me) as important as a Jesus who is strong. It's important, but it is my nature to rank things.
-- I do not hate women. I try not to act like a male chauvenist pig. This may also come as a surprise. However, I do have issues with women who are pushed as something that men should aspire to be. I am not a female, therefore, I can't... and more importantly, don't feel like measuring up to a feminine standard. Telling me to get in touch with my feminine side will probably earn you what is usually defined as "The Sarcastic Symphony." Why? I just told you. I'm not female!
-- As a male, I like contact sports. Hockey, UFC, Pro Wrestling, Football and La Crosse, just to name a few. I like participating. I like watching. Therefore, not preaching about a full contact God who tosses temple tables, is loud, proud, blunt and at times sarcastic in addition to a Jesus Christ who nurtures, gives grace, loves and forgives is hereafter referred to as... wussy. Presenting a Jesus Christ who loves the sinner but does not tolerate sin (especially sin in God's church, from the "great" to the "small") may not be popular, but it is the most accurate portrait of Jesus Christ, despite the fact that we have made it into a cliché.
-- I have a shorter attention span. This is because of my bodily make up. And sometimes a lot of caffiene because someone at work thinks it's a good idea for a man to get up a six o clock in the morning.
-- I don't learn by lecture format. If you want to show a man how great of a God we serve, take him outside. Preferrably where cell phones and nagging aren't.
-- I like music. But I'm not going to croon a love song to a guy. So forgive me if I don't sing every chorus.
-- I learn by doing. The more hands on time I get with something, the better I understand it. I suggest taking people outside and doing something with your faith. Jesus Christ didn't drone on endless lectures and useless drivel which serves no purpose but to put its audience to sleep. Neither should we.
-- Faith is about risk, not security. Get used to the fact that men thrive on adventure and the unknown. And the challenge.
-- Faith is not concentrating on the latest building project. Faith is having the intestinal fortitude to go out and act on what God has called you to when everyone else thinks you're either stupid, or thinks that you're crazy... and maybe sometimes a little bit of both. Would that the church understood that faith is having the guts to step out on the water. So please, stop criticizing Peter. I don't see anyone else willing to step out of the boat.
-- Men are required to love their wives. Wives are required to respect their husbands. These things are given, not earned and they are not mutually exclusive.
-- Real men understand their proper place in relation to the King. They don't sit on the throne. Neither do they kiss the King. They bow at his feet, call Him Lord and obey his commands, no matter how crazy or inane or easy or difficult they may sound. We show our God our devotion not by serenading him with song, but by keeping his commands. We understand devotion to our ruler and express it differently. For a man, this means following his King into hell if necessary. Not that duty is what makes us saved. Only by grace are we saved. Our own merit does not add one iota to how much God cares for us, nor contributes one iota to our salvation.
-- Say it with me men: Men are not there just as a meal ticket. Men aren't to be idolized by the size of their paycheck. That makes about as much sense as a male oogling some chick in Playboy and is equally offensive.
-- A man is not defined by whether he is single or married. It doesn't matter whether he has a girl on his arm or a ring on his finger. A man is not defined by his social status. A man is defined by three things: His Salvation, His Honor and His identity. All three should be guarded carefully. In this day an age, there is an attack on the identity of a man. Institutions seek to pervert what a man is and what he should aspire to be. This is why Salvation is the most important. Everything else a man is derives from that. His honor is that which no one can take away and no one can give. And his identity comes from His King. His image is upon us. And it should be guarded carefully.
-- A warning to the group I refer to as Church ladies and potential suitors: I am not whipped, nor housebroken. Trying to put a bit in my mouth is useless. Others have tried before. And failed. I will choose a female who understands her value, how much I value her, but she absolutely cannot and must not take the place of Jesus Christ. I am not a deity to be worshipped and do not desire any such thing. Respect will do. My wife will understand that I value her more than she can imagine not as a possession, but as a fellow traveler, soldier, friend, and lover whom God has entrusted me to lead well... but I will not be disloyal to my King and his wishes. He will be honored above all that this world has to offer. He will be our Banner. He has been faithful despite the times when I was faithless. He has shown kindness to me more than I can count. Therefore, I owe him my reasonable service. All that I am belongs to him. I put you under His watch when I am not physically present. Honor Him. Respect His leadings. He covers everything that I cannot be.
-- In short, being a man is becoming like the Real Jesus Christ, accepting no imitations, not bending knees to a paper or false Christ. Everything we read about Jesus Christ from old testament to New point to a Jesus Christ who is almighty, who is holy, who makes an end of sin, who demands our best every day. He is redeemer, savior, King, Prophet and Priest. He is the Lamb of God and Lion of Judah. That Lion is not declawed, nor tame. He set his image on men. To quote Jada, who quotes C.S. Lewis: "He (Jesus) is not a tame Lion, but he is Good."
Saturday, October 18, 2008
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