Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More Boundless Blunders...

First off... here we go:
Single Minded Churches

To briefly summarize the article, we have a discussion on whether or not church should be scaling back from being "less" family oriented and more about singles. Less matchmaking, and more ministering to the single where they are.

Candice wonders if this is a good idea, because, after all... it's God's will for you to marry! Never mind the fact that 40% of the corporate world is single. (Although, in fairness, I suppose I'm not looking to the corporate world to make judgments for me!)

But frankly, I think churches should be taking heed of this as A. The world is a different place than it was say... fifty years ago. Maybe even twenty years ago. Because frankly, I don't know of many in my age group that have a 9-5 job. And though I've recently moved into that schedule, it's very much family oriented.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't be focusing on families and children. I'm simply saying that singles ministries shouldn't be matchmaking services, either. If something naturally happens as a result (as it did in a couple of friends' cases) then great.

Of course, I'm pretty sure I'm about to get more questions about "When are you getting married?" The answer? When I'm ready.

Fireproof Movie

Ah, yes... The fireproof movie. Anyone else besides me think that the hype machine is going overboard? If you really want to know how I feel about this movie... I can sum it up in four words: Chick Flick, Not Interested.

There's several reasons why:
1. Kirk Cameron.
2. Deals with some dude making up with his wife.
3. Kirk Cameron.
4. The acting looks terrible from the trailer.
5. Kirk Cameron.
6. Why do I get the feeling we aren't going to deal with real issues? I mean come on... considering the last movie, "Facing the Giants" I'm not expecting much, frankly. I'm a single guy. Not my thing, sorry. And yes, I'm making a subjective judgment for a change. I think I'm allowed to do that, right? (Just as I made a subjective/objective judgment to see Passion of the Christ because I felt that it would be a good movie! And I was not disappointed. In fact, I'd say my expectations were exceeded as the more I study it, the more I feel like it stands up well with still art and is the greatest piece of Jesus Cinema of our generation. It's EXTREMELY well done.)
7. Oh yeah, Kirk Cameron.

My big gripe here is that the film is definitely not what I would consider man friendly. It looks to me from the trailer that this is going to be another "Women are next in line to sainthood, Men need to be more like women!" type of flick. If that's what you want, then... I only have one word here: NEXT!

What disturbs me is Janelle's comment, which for some reason I see almost as delivered with a glare to quell the uprising, while the peasents are supposed to scrape and bow to the superior wisdom. No thanks. Yes, I'm being blunt. And no, I'm not apologizing for it. I'm tired of apologizing for things that are part of my makeup/heritage!

From an objective view point, I simply don't think the acting nor the writing cut the mustard. Simple solutions to complex problems that I'm not sure that works. Then again, I'm just a dumb single guy. ;-)

Thoughts on the movie? Am I completely wrong?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Balanced View of the Institutional Church

Well, I know I haven't had time to write my own posts as of late, but I do feel the need to point out the following post, which I think presents the most balanced view of how we should love the church (because I am an advocate of loving Christ and I think that also does extend horizontally to the church, despite what sometimes I may sound like) and I do highly recommend the read.